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 Amazon donates .5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your       choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same price, same service. Support   Greensboro/Guliford Crime Stoppers by starting your shopping at


The Greensboro/Guilford County Crime Stoppers Program, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. It is not prohibited from accepting donations from any city, town, or other governmental subdivision, and has accepted donations from such governmental entities in the past. The program, however, is not part of any regularly funded governmental budget. Rather, the program relies on support from individuals and businesses through direct donations, as well as on sponsorships, grants, and fundraisers.

We ask YOU to help us make our community a safer place to live and work. Please consider making a donation to our program right now.

Fundraising Goals

Hosting successful fundraisers is the key in funding our reward fund, advertising, and community awareness.   We continue to strive to:

  • Keep the public aware of our program
  • Keep the media support on HIGH
  • Implement new programs in conjunction with the Greensboro Police Department and the Guilford County Sheriff's Office. 

Become a SPONSOR!
You can show your support for our local Crime Stoppers Program.

Sponsorship Opportunities

  •  Platinum Sponsorship $5,000 and up

    • Company’s banner ad will be prominently displayed on our website ( and your banner linked to your webpage.

    • Prominent sponsor recognition on our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as any other print material at our fundraisers.

    • Recognition of Platinum Sponsor at any Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers events.

    • Additional exclusive branding for your & your company.

  • Gold Sponsorship   $2,500 to $4,999

    • Company’s banner ad will be prominently displayed on our website ( and your banner linked to your webpage.

    • Prominent sponsor recognition on our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as any other print material at our fundraisers.

    • Recognition of Gold Sponsor at any Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers events.

  • Silver Sponsorship   $1,000 to $2,499

    • Company’s banner ad will be prominently displayed on our website ( and your banner linked to your webpage.

    • Prominent sponsor recognition on our Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as any other print material at our fundraisers.

    • Recognition of Silver Sponsor at any Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers events.

  • Bronze Sponsorship   $500 to $999

    • Company’s banner ad will be prominently displayed on our website ( and your banner linked to your webpage.

  • Chief     $250
    • Name displayed on our sponsor page on the Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers website.
  • Captain     $100
    • Name displayed on our sponsor page on the Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers website.
  • Lieutenant    $50
    • Name displayed on our sponsor page on the Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers website.
  • Sergeant    $25
    • Name displayed on our sponsor page on the Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers website.

Help Support the Greensboro/Guilford Crime Stoppers Program and become a Sponsor!

Email our representative at Let them know what type of Sponsor you want to become, and they'll get back to you with all the details on how to proceed.